Was first used in the medical case to include the smoke through the anus/ rectum, the tool is used against the victims drowned. By entering the tobacco smoke through the anus / rectum, it is believed that the drowning victim can breathe again after fainting due to drowning.
2. Artificial Leech (1840)
Artificial Leech
Used for the treatment of eye and ear diseases
3. Double Guillotine (1860)
Used to remove the tonsils.
4. Screw “Gag” (1880-1910)
Used to force open the patient’s mouth.
5. Saw (1830-1860)
Saws used for sawing weak injuries for the operation.
6. Backward “Scissors (1500)
This saw was used to perform the operation for amputation.
7. Knive for Cutting (1770)
Knive and scissors were used for operations.
8. Manual Trepanation Skull (1800)
The instrument used to pierce the skull, for the operation of the head organs.
9. Tools For Operations On Hemorrhoids And The Uterus (1870)
Chain that is in the tool used to cut hemorrhoidal channels.
10. Combating Hernia (1850)
This tool will be incorporated into the stricken areas of the body hernia, and will be left in a few weeks, then this tool will be issued, and the scars will use this tool to cure hernia.
11. “Compass” for The Exact Location Bullets In The Body (1915)
The instrument is shaped like a compass will be used to mark the bullet hit, with this tool the location of the bullet is marked.
12. Tool To Extract The Bullet (1500)
By using this tool,the bullet that penetrated into the body will be removed.
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