Monday, August 3, 2009

What Michael Jackson does not have: Vitiligo

Michael JacksonThere are a series of ethical assumptions that I have always had in mind when writing about medicine here. One has been to not ever try to advertise or diagnose diseases in those celebrities who have not ever told about it publicly but, for being among medical circles, knowing the end. That patient confidentiality is fine, but when you're famous and go on social security, you will likely end around the end of service by knowing what you've gone (this also occurs to a lesser extent in private). And the following days and knows almost all the hospital and adjacent medical schools

But Michael Jackson had been the case some days among media for his alleged vitiligo. Actually, I do not understand very well why, if Michael Jackson has been the target for decades.

Be the part of the media themselves or Michael Jackson himself has said enough about his change of color in the skin, it appears that this particular case is that it is private when it was made public. So I will explain further why it is not almost certainly one of vitiligo with evidence that any government can, without getting into details or private other disorders or treatments that may or may not have.

Vitiligo is a skin disease relatively common where there is destruction of melanocytes, skin cells that give the characteristic color. I say it is relatively common because of 100 people, 1 or 2 will have this disease. But, yes, usually through a common manifestation and less appealing as a small patch or more at a given site as if it were a mole, but instead of being dark, no color, it is we call focal vitiligo. Here you can see an example:


After we have segmented vitiligo, which appears to form patches and more extensive and is more rare. There is also widespread, appearing spots distributed throughout the body. And then we have the universal vitiligo where more than 50% of the skin (never completely) is shown with no coloring stains have been extended with some areas being given a normal color contrast quite evident. This form is very rare, only in particular a lower percentage of 0.5% of all vitiligo. That the total population would be a case for several tens of thousands.The spots are characterized by being entirely white, so in a dark skin is particularly striking.

The reasons why it is very unlikely (not impossible) that Michael Jackson had this universal vitiligo are varied:

1 - in itself is a rare rare rare manifestation of vitiligo and very rare. What a coincidence that he just suffered along with other "disorders" as a narrower nose, an eternally smooth hair, cheekbones and chin, some different, all these traits tend to face a typical Caucasian (white).

2 - vitiligo appear as spots, never as a comprehensive and gradual fading of the entire skin.First appear very white spots, they become increasingly large and emerging, which can reach up to cover almost the entire skin. Those who argue that Michael Jackson has vitiligo argue that their general discoloration is due to trying to use makeup to conceal the white patches of the disease.Something quite remote, when vitiligo on a black face creates such a contrast to pretend it is not possible with conventional makeup, unless it is an opaque brown makeup on the spots, which has not been the case with Michael Jackson.

What is clear to apply makeup on the skin when almost all the white spots appear initially (short length) when using a dark make-up only in areas where they occurred? Not only the former is much more work, but draws much attention and it is usually in patients who have this disease is to preserve the original color as possible, and, as a last resort, bleached all areas that have become dark. Why Michael Jackson is the other way around?

3 - The sensitivity to light (photosensitivity) of the skin is not typical of vitiligo, but the consequence of the loss of melanocytes which are to protect, through the melanin in the skin from sun damage. Any other disease or treatment that causes discoloration of the skin also leads to sensitivity to light and the most frequent appearance of sunburn.

4 - The universal vitiligo usually most often associated with bleaching hair also go to the spots spread throughout the body including areas with hair follicles. A very striking:

Vitíligo Universal

The hair, the eyebrows, eyelashes and beard, and Michael Jackson still black.

Well anyway he was one of the best and most emblematic icons of rock / pop and that is important. What we do or not do with your skin and bones thing is yours and only yours.

1 comment:

  1. I would never forget about the day a girl called me "cow", because my skin was brown and white. It hurt me so bad that she said that. From that point I started looking for how to get rid of this condition. I Tried all kinds of treatments until I found one that permanently healed me. This treatment is online:
